Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

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612 euros, the government loan on which so many families depend, is the title of the second addition to the detective saga of Touré. Respected by his compatriots, watched by the police, and wanted by the white women, the displaced Touré survives by doing the most diverse of jobs. On this occasion, with the arrival of a supposed family member, he will find himself enveloped in a series of absurd obstacles, where, in order to get... - Read more

Since she began publishing her writings in 1988, Laura Freixas has become one of the most relevant voices of Spanish feminism. In this autobiography,the author opens the doors, intimately and heartbreakingly, to one of the central stages of her life: marriage and motherhood. It was not going to happen to me , it's a reflection on private life and feminism, a transparent and sincere sample of human contradictions.... - Read more

Zaragoza (Spain), July 1808. A woman a little over the age of 20 pulls the linstock from the hands of a dead gunner and fires the cannon this one had at his charge. Her intervention, as daring as it is risky, forced the French troops that threatened the Zaragozan Puerta del Puertillo, and allowed General Palafox to rebuild the defense. The woman was born in Barcelona in 1768, and her name was Agustina Saragossa and would go down in history as... - Read more

  An endearing story set in Barcelona in the years of the Transition, at the height of the "permissive" period, in which family secrets, the search for identity, religious sects and characters with a murky past intermingle to create the unforgettable portrait of an entire era. In the Barcelona of 1976, Alfredo Burman and his boss, Mr. Moncada, are sacked from their jobs after the publishing house at which they work goes belly up. It is... - Read more

Diego Arce is a renowned writer of mystery novels who is going through hard times. Since the publication of his first novel, which catapulted him to fame, he has been unable to achieve the same success and, after much pressure including a few other literary failures, he agrees to his editor's pleas to resurrect in a new installment the character to whom he owes his success: a psychopath nicknamed "The Monster", who kidnapped girls in modernist... - Read more

It shows from 1 to 5 of 13 results
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